Sunday, August 16, 2009

Allegheny Summer Dance Intensive

The annual Summer Dance Intensive at Allegheny College is moving into its second week. Shanna, Sherri and I have been teaching classes in modern dance technique, improvisation and composition, yoga, and massage. In addition, I am working with nine participants who are learning a piece from my repertory. The dance will be performed at Allegheny College later this year.

There are 28 participants, all of of them energetic and willing to try just about anything we throw at them. When not teaching, I have enjoyed taking classes from Shanna and Sherri.

We are staying with a friend, fellow Alleghenian Scott Choffel, who has kindly opened up his home to us. We are having a delightful time on that front. We are 45 minutes away from the college by bike and have ridden our bikes to and from the studio every other day.

While I'm here I have also been in conversation with Doug Lodge about our new work, Prospect & Refuge. I've opened a huge can of worms...can't wait to dig in! Tomorrow we visit an abandoned farmhouse, a possible location for filming. Later in the week we visit an old factory. Look for photos from those excursions in future posts.


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